Thursday, July 9, 2009

The Online University & Experience

– – My graduate program will end with my computer holding nearly 700 files and 500MB of data. While I appreciate Al Gore for inventing the Internet (punning), without it the ability to attend a school anywhere, anytime, would be impossible. Individuals with awkward schedules to the disabled—a simple broadband connection, a computer, self-discipline, and an online school are all you need.

– – A typical day: login to school and your classroom; check for any announcements from the faculty or support; check email; see who’s online; chat with other students online; attend a lecture and maybe take a quiz; attend discussion groups and be prepared to enter into dialogue with two or more fellow learners to root the fundamentals of the course; write a paper; complete assignments; take a mid-term. Lastly, attend a proctored, videotaped and monitored, final exam.

– – I’ve enjoyed the other fellow learners exchanging emails, following them from class to class, with hopes of meeting them at some point in person or perhaps in my career. Online is rewarding and concentrated in its presentation: I’m sold on using the Internet for learning…thanks Al Gore!

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